
Filled with in-depth insight and practical advice, Derivatives provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of derivatives markets, derivatives valuation, and risk management using derivative contracts. With this book, author Robert Whaley-a leading authority in this field-details the derivatives markets and why and how they have flourished. Chapter by chapter, Whaley provides the underpinnings of derivatives valuation and risk measurement, shows how derivatives can be used effectively in managing risk exposures related to commodities, stocks, stock portfolios, bonds, currencies, interest rates, and credit, and offers readers valuable guidance that cannot be found anywhere else.

Robert E. Whaley (Durham, NC) is the T. Austin Finch Foundation Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.

Robert E. Whaley is the Valere Blair Potter Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. His current research interests are in the areas of market microstructure, valuation of exotic options, stock splits, and executive stock option valuation. Professor Whaleys research has been published in top academic and practitioner journals, and he is a frequent presenter at major conferences and seminars. He holds a number of editorial positions, including Associate Editor of the Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Risk, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, and Advances in Futures and Options Research.

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  • 出版社:新陸書局

  • 出版日期:2007/06/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:新陸書局

  • 出版日期:2007/06/01
  • 語言:英文

Filled with in-depth insight and practical advice, Derivatives provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of derivatives markets, derivatives valuation, and risk management using derivative contracts. With this book, author Robert Whaley-a leading authority in this field-details the derivatives markets and why and how they have flourished. Chapter by chapter, Whaley provides the underpinnings of derivatives valuation and risk measurement, shows how derivatives can be used effectively in managing risk exposures related to commodities, stocks, stock portfolios, bonds, currencies, interest rates, and credit, and offers readers valuable guidance that cannot be found anywhere else.

Robert E. Whaley (Durham, NC) is the T. Austin Finch Foundation Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.

Robert E. Whaley is the Valere Blair Potter Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. His current research interests are in the areas of market microstructure, valuation of exotic options, stock splits, and executive stock option valuation. Professor Whaleys research has been published in top academic and practitioner journals, and he is a frequent presenter at major conferences and seminars. He holds a number of editorial positions, including Associate Editor of the Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Risk, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, and Advances in Futures and Options Research.

Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management

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Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management
那裡買,Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management價格,Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management特賣會,Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management評比,Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management部落客 推薦



這種事,不必老闆交待 (修訂版)










影/道奇貝林傑、釀酒人葉立奇同場開轟 本季第10發


道奇貝林傑(Code Bellinger)、釀酒人葉立奇(Christian Yelich)在今天的比賽中各揮出本季第10發全壘打,追上運動家戴維斯(Khris Davis),在大聯盟並列領先。


打擊近況甚佳的貝林傑,今在對釀酒人一戰,6局上與艾爾伯斯(Matt Albers)拚鬥到2好3壞滿球數後,相中揮出中間偏高的93英哩(約時速149公里)的速球,一棒揮出中外野全壘打牆外,本季第10號全壘打,雖是1支陽春砲,但敲響道奇進攻號角。


緊接著波拉克(A.J. Pollock)再揮出安打後,孟西(Max Muncy)再補上左外野2分彈,取得3:0領先。

同樣敲出9支全壘打的釀酒人明星球員葉立奇,也不讓貝林傑專美於前,9局下最後1次打擊,在1好球情況下,硬是把道奇終結者簡森( Kenley Jansen)投出92英哩(約時速147公里)的卡特球(Cutter Ball),送出中外野全壘打牆外。



佩卓亞進傷兵名單 紅襪沒升打擊火熱林子偉上大聯盟
小戴、伊瑟儂亞洲羽球錦標賽缺陣 網民:今年比賽沒啥看頭
林子偉3A對藍鳥2安打3打點 有望替補佩卓亞回大聯盟
影/波拉克3分彈 助道奇跨季主場連續32場開轟平紀錄

外野傳98英哩速球 本壘觸殺
加入遊騎兵 曾仁和:好好努力
希利單場雙響砲轟走天使 水手中止6連敗
兩年10.3億元 全壘打王戴維斯留運動家

潮牌變國民衣 一年幾乎玩殘
空姐激吻洋男 染「死人細菌」















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Derivatives- Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management


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